Wow! Isn't it so fun how Heavenly Father gives us so so soo many opportunities for learning and growth?! I thought last week was going to be my craziest... BUT I was wrong! haha. This week has been a wild ride; emotionally and spiritually. But I also know that had things not happen the way that they did I wouldn't be able to really become the daughter of God that I know I can be. There's no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone!
So we'll start at the beginning. Monday was a good day! We went emailing and went to Walmart. Fun fact: we got in and out of Walmart in 40 minutes! (record time!!). We went to the post office and then home to put our groceries away.
Zone P-Day |
Then we changed and went to Zone P-Day! It was so fun, our zone leaders Bar-B-Qued for us and then we played ultimate football (someone forgot the Frisbee haha) It was so fun! Then we came back and got ready for dinner. It was a good day!
Tuesday was good too. We did all of our normal studies/morning routine and then we went to service. When I say we "went" to service I mean it took us 30 minutes to find the dang service place! Sister Netherton was our driver and previously knew the area and now I was the driver and has a general idea of the place, but didn't really know where EXACTLY. haha. (PS we do have a GPS and we tried to put it in and then it took us to the middle of nowhere with no Parker Task Force to be found so...) So once we finally got there all that was left to do was to clean! So we cleaned the bathrooms and I am just so grateful that I know how to clean a bathroom well! haha Thanks mom! After that we came back and had lunch and then a lesson. It went SO well!
Sister Saito and I just have the best unity! We taught about the Plan of Salvation. Man, I love that plan! We are so fortunate to know WHY we are here on Earth, where we are from and where we are going. Can you imagine not knowing? What would be the purpose to life?? I am so blessed to be able to teach it too. To help others understand! After the lesson we went to dinner and GUESS WHAT?! It was chicken alfredo!!
The Chimentos who made us Chicken alfredo! I gotta say, I love those slippers! |
I love that stuff! It is like my favorite (besides the good ol' spaghetti and lasagna I can't really have at the time being (but one day!!)) We are so spoiled here! After dinner we had a lesson with that family and then a lesson with some of our investigators and it just went so well!
Our investigators! |
I can't even explain it but the unity that Sister Saito and I have is the best! We just switch every sentence and testify so clearly and boldly that the spirit is just there! I love it. I love Sister Saito.
Wednesday was a full day! We got up and had studies then we had a meeting called Zone Meeting (super original haha) It was good, but it went from 10:30 to 3:30! So it was pretty long, but I learned a lot!!
Zone Meeting |
Afterwards Sister Saito told the bad news... She was officially going home. (I know that just hit you like a ton of bricks!) I did know that that was happening, I mean I am with her 24/7, but it was so sad to really know that it was actually real! Sister Saito is sick and the kind of sick that requires a lot of rest. As a missionary you don't really have that opportunity a whole lot so it's hard to feel like you are doing everything you can to be a diligent missionary. She is beyond capable of teaching and loving but just has those physical limitations which is SO sad. After that (I cried for a bit) and then we went to a lesson. We had dinner at our Ward Mission Leaders home and it was so fun! They have kids and they are hilarious so that made it quite the show. And Sister Young went to USU and majored in Elementary Education so that was so fun to talk about! I can't wait to teach!! We had a lesson that evening with a member and then we went home.
Thursday: Well we got official news of what was going to happen. Sister Saito would leave Friday night and fly home and I would be staying here and a new missionary would be coming. Emergency transfer number two in the same transfer! haha. It was good to know what would happen, though still sad to know that she really was going to leave. We did some service later that day and it was a good distraction! We got a call that a lady needed some help carrying up some groceries from her car and we were like, "yes, game one!" We love doing groceries, our saying always goes, "there's no such thing as a second trip." Welllllllllllll we got there and this lady opened up her car and.. well, there was going to be a such thing as a second trip hahaha. More like 5 or 6 trips! There was so much! But it was good, we got our workout in so that was fun :) We came home and packed up a bit until our lesson. It was a hand-off lesson with some sisters and it went really well! Sister Saito and I just know how to teach so clearly and simply! I am so sad to see her go! haha. I know I have already sad that but it's true! I love the scriptures and the gospel.
Friday We did our studies and then did weekly planning. We went to our Ward Mission Leader's home to weigh her luggage (both under 50lbs after some rearranging! That's pretty impressive!!) and then we had lunch. Sister Saito packed up all of her things and at 3:30 our STLs came and picked us up to drive to meet President and Sister Mendenhall. The drive was good, it was about 40 minutes long and we laughed the whole way! Then we got there and had to say our goodbyes...
Saying goodbye to Sister Saito :( |
I managed to hold my tears in right until they drive away and we had gotten in the car. I bawled! haha. I tried to stop and not cry so dang hard but I was/am so dang sad!! I love Sister Saito soo much!! I have learned so much from her and hate that such a hard-working missionary has to go home. It wasn't all that fun. The STLs stayed the night with me and we had some appointments. They went well, but probably could've gone better.
Saturday we woke up and got ready and got in the car to go and pick up the new sister. I was scared out of my mind. The drive was short but we waited for a half an hour before they came. I managed to keep my tears down but didn't say much either haha. I met Sister Boelter and I wanted to bawl! She is like 5'8 and very matter-of-fact. We got in the car after she said her goodbyes and all I could do to not cry was pretend to read my scriptures haha. We got home and the STLs dropped us and her stuff off and then left.
Sister Nelson's new companion, Sister Boelter! |
I figured I better say something and so I showed her where she could put all of her stuff and then talked and rambled for like 10 minutes, finally ending with, "Well I am really terrified to area train you because you have been out for 15 months and I don't even know if I know what I am doing!" and sweet Hermana Boelter told me it would all be okay. She is actually a spanish missionary so she was nervous for teaching in english because she hasn't ever! So from then on we just unpacked her stuff and talked about the week ahead (and I didn't want to cry so much! haha) We went to a food drive and then a lesson. We came back home and unpacked some more and planned for some lessons. We went out tracting and then trained that evening. I slept like a rock!
Sunday was good. I love Sundays! We had some meetings, then I played some piano, then we had church, then we had our other ward and then we had some more meetings. So it was a filled day!
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Sister Missionaries |
We came home for dinner and then out for some lessons and finding. It was good! I love that opportunity to take the sacrament and be able to renew those baptismal covenants. I am grateful for that each week because I need it! Our lessons that night went well and we came home and went to bed! All is going to be okay!
So that's how crazy emergency transfers are but everything is possible with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! I know that I have much to learn from Sister Boelter and that I learned TONS with Sister Saito! I am grateful for these opportunities to grow and pray that I can fulfill the potential that God sees in me. I love you all and appreciate your prayers!
Love no matter what, <------- really!
-Sister Nelson
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